can't stop carving
Inspired from the conginitive trasformation project I am persuing a few butterfly and moth themed coins, we shall see where this goes....

Cognitive Trasformation Project #2
This Delightful coin is cut on a 1oz fine silver Re-Strike of a 1790 Portugese coin. I am continually inspired by the levels of detail...

Coin of the Day
"The Cognitive Transformation Project" A colaboration of coin carvers across the country have been inspered by artist Ben Tolman. His...

Coin of the day
Insperation comes in many forms, this Penguin was on a concert ticket. It was so cute I just had to put him on a coin! so the 1903 barber...

Coin of the day
The Elven Pirate Big Head Mini Men appears to be the theme of this week! This Bicentennial Kenedy half dollar was cut a few weeks back...

Featured Coin of the day
This is my first Big Head Mini-Astronaut. The Host Coin is a 1976 Bicenntenial Kennedy Half dollar. #photo
July July.....
July was a hectic month for me. I spent nearly the entire time home prepping for Faerieworld's Festival. With the bulk of my Nickels on...

Chicago Day 2
A visit to Millennium Park with Megan, Perfect finish to a great week of Shenanigans!
Road Trippin' Update
So after many days on the road, I have finally calmed down enough to remember to update the blog. Colorado was Rad! I spent a day with my...

Triad of friends!
Chicago was Special with a stay at a Castle and Revelry with some of my dearest Friends! I Love you Megan and Dre!